Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Suspended again.

So I take 2 months off to chill and focus on other things. 

Then I come back to post a couple of new images and find I’m already hit with a locked account. 

I then jump through their hoops of suggested deletion of posts to unlock account and all is well. 

Then I post two new images and then suspended a day later with no chance to appeal. 

Twitter is wild man, haha! 


  1. Twitter sucks lately, many fakers have been blocked/suspended and have been posting on blogs and other pages/forums. Will you continue posting here on your blog?

    1. I’ll continue posting everything here and foot specific things to Deviantart.

  2. What was even the reason that they gave you for the suspension?

    Think it'll make a difference if the next account is Private/Vetted followers only?

    1. Same as always. Just violating Twitter rules. Not sure if there will be another account. That’s the third one already. Might just keep it here and Discord.

    2. What is the discord

  3. what's the discord

  4. i'd also like the discord. also if the twitter is good i'd love a way to know what's new here there is really no way to now where the new fakes/art are posted in you have to check them all

    1. New ones go to the top of the respective channels but there is no way to know if they’ve been updated unfortunately.

  5. can you set up your blog like zennsfw so you can see when theres a new post, no way to know when theres something new otherwise x

    1. I’m awful at setting this site up. If I figure it out I will.

    2. If u need an extra hand I'm happy to help out with the Discord server.

    3. post them like your text posts (like this one) and we will be able to see the new content x

    4. If you use a feed/RSS reader, you can subscribe to this link, which *should* pop the appropriate page to the top when it’s been updated (if the feed reader respects the "updated" element): https://demond4n.blogspot.com/feeds/pages/default?max-results=500
      Otherwise, you can still look at that manually and check for updated dates; that’s how I’ve been keeping track of new images being added to various pages.

    5. its just trying to download a file when trying to follow the link, and i cant find a online rss viewer or firefox addon - any idea how to check the rss just with the firefox app?

  6. Do you have a zip of all your fakes so far? I love your work and would love to see it all

  7. https://daydreamingunlimited.blogspot.com/2023/01/my-daydreams.html - you already miss me, Danny ;)? NishitokyoGirl

  8. Nooooooooooo. ;( Long time no talk, sir. I have been a huge fan for years. I just wanted to say that I hope life is doing okay for you, brother. Take care of yourself, much love from fellow UK.

  9. How you doing? Any further plans for your content? Tbh a Telegram or Discord where even old stuff could be posted seems like a fairly natural way to go.

  10. hope to see more of your work either here or else ware

  11. A little late to the party (I know), but I miss you on there. You had a LOT of good fakes. But, Twitter (not calling it X, that's stupid...) has , as it always has been, a malfunctioning mess.
    In the hopes you see this; I hope you will reply.
    And that you will , if you chose to do so, make a MEGA folder with all your work in HD as much as possible. Your Brie pics are the best.
    Contact me on DeviantArt messages sometime.
    Peace Out.
    BRIETARD #1, Dade.
